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A Raw Chocolate Cake For Valentine’s Day

The Healthy Chef, Teresa Cutter has developed a simple, easy to make raw chocolate cake recipe.

The Healthy Chef, Teresa Cutter has developed a simple, easy to make raw chocolate cake recipe. It’s gluten free, full of antioxidants and delicious!



500 g (16 oz) raw walnuts

4 heaped tablespoons raw cacao

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

20 fresh medjool dates, pitted

Zest from 1 orange + a little juice or a few drops of orange oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Chocolate frosting

2 ripe avocados, skin and stone removed

6 fresh dates, pitted or ¼ cup organic maple syrup

½ cup cacao powder

60 ml (2 fl oz / 1/4 cup) water or almond milk or coconut milk

60 ml (2 fl oz / 1/4 cup) cold-pressed coconut oil

1 teaspoon vanilla bean extract

Pinch of sea salt and extra water to mix if needed



1. Combine walnuts, cocoa powder, cinnamon and sea salt.

2. Process until ground and add dates, orange zest and vanilla.

3. Process again until combined and spoon into a mixing bowl.

4. Add the juice of half to one orange then mix through until combined.

5. Press cake into a 15 cm (6 inches) small round baking tin – springform is the best. I normally line the cake tin with baking paper or plastic wrap first so I can easily remove the cake afterwards.

6. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to overnight.

7. Remove cake from the tin.

8. Combine chocolate frosting ingredients together in a high-speed blender such as a Vitamix until creamy.

9. Spread over the cake and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.

10. Enjoy!

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